Studies show that 70% of our communication is achieved non verbally and that it is far more accurate than are the words we use.  Therefore, it is imperative that we learn to use and discern body language more effectively in order to become an effective communicator.


Learn the right palm gestures to "Make your point"
in Sales,Negotiations, Teaching and public speaking.
Expecting to be a world leader? or a leader to your company? or to your team?
LEARN TO IT RIGHT! #Body Language of dominance.
Change your Body language, Change your Life!
Its not "what you speak" that is important, Its "How you speak"
Where ever you speak,  the approach, techniques, gestures, deceptions and postures are the basic elements of an effective speaker . Learn to do it right.
A "Cant be fooled Man"
Once you learn the gestures and expressions of lies, no one can fool you anymore! You will be tuned to always see the real face behind any body around you. This is practically very helpful in the business field since its very important for you to know the customers if you need to gain a profit out of anything.